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1977- Intel SDK-85

Each time Intel launched a new microprocessor, they provided simultaneously a System Development Kit (SDK) allowing computer company engineers as well as university students to introduce them to the new processor concepts and features.

The SDK-85 was a complete 8085A (5 for 'first 5 Volt microprocessor') microcomputer system on a single board including ROM and RAM memory, a 24 key hexadecimal keyboard, a 6 digit LED display, I/O connections and an expansion area allowing memory and I/O expansions as well as hardware experiments.

A 2 KB monitor software provided the same commands as the SDK-86 board. User could enter and read program results through either the buit-in keyboard/display or using a serial Teletype through the built-in serial TTY interface. A 38 lines parallel interface was also available.

A large set of manuals were delivered with the board: MCS-85 (processor) and SDK-85 (board) user manuals, 8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual, full circuit schematics of the PCB, a full dump of the ROM monitor program, programming examples and application notes.