Lehigh Cement 7 km conveyor

Mark Alspaugh was selected as the owner's technical representative for this 7km overland conveyor carrying 2500 mtph of crushed limestone. Snaking through populated areas of rural Maryland, this conveyor includes 5 horizontal curves and 27 vertical curves. OCC developed the design used to select the contractor and supported Lehigh through detail design and commissioning.

Kent Martin said the company had considered transporting limestone from the New Windsor quarry to the Union Bridge plant by railroad or truck but determined a conveyor system was the best option.

"We would have been running 600 trucks or 120 rail cars a day. Both would have been disruptive," Martin said. "The conveyor option was best for the community, emergency services and the environment. We like to think of it as a temporary disturbance for a long-term solution."

Contractor: Beumer Group


Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia, 2019


Dead Sea Works, Israel 2015